Happy Mother’s Day wherever you may be
Most of you who are reading this I know personally, and so I can truly say: I’d love to thank your mother. Whoever your mother is, or was, however gracefully or painfully she moved through her own life, I am so glad she gave birth to you.
You’re a friend, student, client, teacher, colleague, and/or person who is curious about my work. I’m so grateful for your presence, your strengths and your perfect human imperfections. You’ve witnessed my own attempts to share the stories and teachings that nourish me along the way (and that I hope nourish too!).
I’ve been wanting to get back to writing newsletters, but I’ve been at a loss for what to say. My themes used to be based on stories about my mom and all I learned from and with her, especially while caring for her during her decline with Alzheimers. Now she’s gone and I haven’t written anything since she died. And it’s Mother’s Day. And my heart hurts.
Grief is a funny animal. With Mother’s Day approaching, suddenly the memories of her dying, which have been softening with time, are vivid again.
Fortunately, spring is also vivid, and reminds me too of the profound lightness and love in her passing … so I’m sharing this gift from the earth that came when I was out walking the other day, looking for mom. I think I found her.