
I have a 30-year old worn slip of paper with a quote from an article in which centenarians were asked to share what's important in life.  My paper reads:

"You don't owe the world a thing but kindness."

So simple.  And if you're like me, at times it's very difficult to meet the world, or even yourself, with honesty or kindness.  Especially hard to be with grief, longing, fear, and disruptions without turning away.   Sometimes a simple gesture of kindness can make all the difference.

In that spirit, here's a  3-minute guided practice of kindness

Do you have a word or phase that reminds you of what's most important in your life?  If you care to share, I'd love to hear about it and to share those words with others next time.

I also want to acknowledge that if your nervous system has been shaken by past trauma and chronic stress, it can make it even more difficult to turn towards your experience with kindness.  Please reach out for help.  I offer personal and group sessions.



Healing in a Broken World


Staying Steady in Uncertain Times