A Healing Crisis at Your Own Pace

Warm wishes to you in this New Year!

And a prelude to the rest of this newsletter: I'm feeling better, my back is happier every day.

Yes, I had one of those moments last week of Yeowch!! "What happened?" ... "Uh, I sat down and when I got up my back hurt?"  Really?  Why now?  I've been feeling great, enjoying being more active, why would my back go out now, from "nothing"?

My Alexander Technique teacher calls it a "healing crisis."  Sometimes when we're getting more functional, old wounds that healed in a limited way come out of the woodwork.  Which sometimes hurts.  Which is unpleasant.  But it's not because something horrible is happening now.  It's because of something good - we're using those areas of our mind-body system that were compromised in the past.  And those areas may need a little more healing before they function fantastically well.  Hence, some short-term pain (i.e. "healing crisis").

As a Somatic Experience and Emotional Embodiment Practitioner, I regularly hear clients express concerns about revisiting painful past experiences, and hey, I can relate.


The Good News about Healing Crisis. Less than 3 min.


A "healing crisis" is like the shadow of an original overwhelmingly stressful event. You don't have to relive the trauma. You can take the opportunity to work through whatever hasn't had a chance to succeed yet. You can let go of what hasn't had the chance to be released yet. 

This time, you can do it very differently. You can do it at your pace. With support, guidance, companionship, and a few new tools, you can access your strength and the joy of empowerment.

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Encouragement for Mercy


Waking Up to Moments of Everyday Awe